I wish I was a crack pipe
That my Mom or Dad hold so dear
I'd never be forgotten
I'd be kept so close and dear
I wish I was a shot of Gin
They would surely purchase me!
I wouldn't have to do bad things to get attention
They would sip and swallow me
I sish I were a horror movie
from the nearby video store
They would watch me over and over
And they would love me more!
I wish I was a pack of cards or a lottery ticket
Their fingers would caress and hold me
I'd be a part of their every waking minute
Sometimes I wish I were a t.v. set
Where they sit for hour upon hour
They'd look at me so ling I bet
I'd be their source of power
If I could be their brand new clothes
So I'd be with them when they strut about
They would take me everywhere they went
And I wouldn't feel so left out
I wish that I could just be me
And know right where they are
It's really scary when I see Mom go off
In some stranger's car
Or when my Dad is handcuffed
By a policeman with a gun
Where can a little child run?
I wish that I could have a family that...that...
-Sarah Shannon
A sad poem.
Silkscreened. Silver print on dark blue background.