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Posters - Women's Cancer Mural
Environment & HealthWomens Voices )

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Indication of harm, not proof of harm, is our call to action

This Mural is a memorial to twelve women activists who have died of cancer. A border of carcinogens surrounds these women. Manufactured substances suspected of endangering our health, our lives, and the environment fill our earth, air, food, and water. For too long we have been told that we canot demand an end to their production without absolute proof of harm. This has exposed us to multiple risks and speaks to the need to implement the Precautionary Principle, a public health principle that requires that we act to prevent illness and death. It's up to us to turn things around and reverse the burden of proof�those who would make or use a suspected substance must first prove that it is necessary and safe. Indication of harm, not proof of harm, is our call to action. 2000 Women's Cancer Project artist: Be Sargent Photo by Lise Beane, Poster designed by NPC.

Sides Read: Maria Luisa Alvarez 1955-1997 Day Care Advocate, Teacher Trainer
Agnes Barboza 1924-1982 Immigrant Services Activist in the Cape Verdean Community
Rachel Carson 1907-1964 Biologist Environmentalist, Author of Silent Spring
Cindy Chin 1955-1992 Domestic Violence Activist, Gay and Lesbian Rights Activist
Valerie Hinderlie 1946-1995 Anti-racism Activist, Day Care Advocate, Teacher Trainer
Audre Lorde 1934-1992 Poet, Cancer Activist, Author of The Cancer Journals
Jeanmarie (Jeannie) Marshall 1958-1995 Cancer Activist, Writer
Esther Rome 1945-1995 Co-author of Our Bodies, Ourselves
Myra Sadker 1943-1994 Activist for Gender Equality in Education, Co-author of Failing at Fairness
Susan Shapiro 1952-1990 Cancer Activist, Writer
Jackie Shearer 1946-1993 Independent Filmmaker, Media Activist
Thelma Vanderhoop Weissberg 1927-1995 Native American Rights Activist, Member Wampanoag Tribe

Item Number: p776
Artist: Be Sargent
Size: 23 X 17
Price:$ 15.95