Divest from the U.S. Prison Industrial Complex
2 Million prisoners = lots of $m$o$n$e$y$
$150 billion spent per year on criminal justice(???) Your money, your mutual and pension funds, your stock market investments support the drive for high profits in the prison-industrial complex.
Definition: Prison Industrial Complex: A set of bureaucratic political and economic interests that encourage increased spending on imprisonment, regardless of the actual need. (from �The Prison Industrial Complex,� by Eric Schlosser, The Atlantic Monthly, December, 1998) Through Shrewd Investment, those mostly in the upper 1/3 of the U.S. economy (mostly white) make BIG PROFITS!
Divest from American Apartheid
If the incarceration rates for minority men �were to continue uninterrupted at the present rate of increase, 4.5 million African American ment and 2.4 million Hispanic men will be incarcerated in 2020-A prison population of minority men about five times as large as the prison population of all races combined today.� (In 1996, from The Real War on Crime: The Report of the National Criminal Justice Commission, edited by Steven R. Donziger, pg. 106)
1.Half of those in U.S. prisons are African American men. There are seven African Americans to each white person in prison.
2. One out of fourteen African American men are now in prison.
3. One out of four African American men are likely to be imprisoned in his lifetime.
4. While illegal drug use is the same for both white and black men, black men are five times as likely as whites to be arrested for drugs.
How do we accomplish this? Divert funds from social welfare/education programs to prison building, guaranteeing a permanent underclass in which crime breeds. Surefire formula for making new prisoners: poverty + lack of opportunity + racial profiling + overwhelming police presence.
Civest now from America�s newest growth industry!
Produced by the Sara Olson Defense Fund Committee and the Northland Poster Collective