About 10 years ago I was, at age 52, in the apprenticeship program of a construction trade. As a woman, and as one who has been involved in progressive activity all my life, it was not a good experience. The sexism and racism of the union instructors was overt, frequent, and delivered with glee. I was constantly challenging them about their racism and sexism, and doing what I could to teach them. Some were interested, others just learned to watch their words when I was around.
One bright spot was a Northland Poster on the bulletin board in the hallway, the ABCs of Organizing. I would stand in front of that poster at every break. I would think of the good folks at Northland, think of them as my family, and feel grateful for their presence in this union training center. That poster kept me sane, kept me hopeful, reminded me that I was not as alone in the world as I was in that union.
Thank you, Northland folks, for your sustenance.