"One x 1,000,000 = change" is the eagerly awaited debut CD from Emma's Revolution, the duo of award-winning,
grassroots activist musicians, Pat Humphries & Sandy O, whose songs have been featured on NPR's "All Things
Considered" and Pacifica's "Democracy Now!" A musical uprising of truth and hope, "one" includes "If I Give
Your Name", Grand Prize Winner of the John Lennon Songwriting Contest, "This Love" a powerfully intimate
testimonial about GLBT marriage and songs written for School of the Americas Watch, CodePINK, Asociaci�n
Tepeyac de New York, Refugee and Immigrant Women's Network, Rachel Carson Center, and Chesapeake
Climate Action Network. Musicians include Clifford Carter (keyboards, James Taylor), Ethan Eubanks (drums,
Crash Test Dummies), WhyNot Jansveld (bass, Dar Williams), Gary Burke (drums, Van Morrison), Stephanie
Winters (cello, Catie Curtis) and John Platania (guitars, Bonnie Raitt).
Website: www.emmasrevolution.com
Tracks: Bound for Freedom, This Love, If I Give Your Name, Refugee, Kilimanjaro, Nikki & Carrie, Silent Spring,
One by One, Peace, Salaam, Shalom, Seed, I will be With You, Code PINK, We Are One.