August 2008 Newsletter
by AdministratorThis the time of year we hear from teachers a lot. We’ve always backed teachers up by providing both classroom posters and materials addressing education issues and union issues. We’re learning how to make use of the internet and are getting ready to do a major push to reach social studies teachers. We’ll be offering a teacher discount for August so you school teachers keep any eye open (we’ll send a special notice to those of you who self-identified as teachers when you signed up for our email list). The bumper sticker image is one we came up with brainstorming with union activists at the Great labor arts Exchange in DC this summer.
This was the year we stopped relying on our catalog mailings to reach our constituents. The cost of postage was climbing out of reach (I still think the postal service is trying to mess tings up so they can privatize) and most of our folks would get their catalog and then go on line to order. We didn’t want to abandon our non-web folks (some of the movements we work with have a low level of computer access). We now have a catalog available for handing out at workshops, conventions, organizational meetings etc. Please let us know if you want some for an event. We don’t want to just get rid of them, make sure they are not going into the recycle bin after a conference and are going to crowds that will take an interest. if you’ve got that covered we’ll be happy to ship them out to you. in this age of social networking, person to person is the way that we will reach more people with trouble-making art.