July 2008 Calendar Download

by Administrator

Here is your monthly news report and free calendar download. For the July calendar just click here or go to www.northlandposter.com and choose “Freebies” from the menu. This month we also start to bring you reports and insights from the field of organizing and social change. The power of images extends beyond beautiful pictures on your wall (although that can also have ripple effects that you don’t always expect). We have been doing this for almost thirty years and can help illuminate some of that power and offer some useable ideas.

Lots of our useable ideas have come from our friends, fans and allies with all kinds of experiences to share about using art to educate a community, get through to a reactionary uncle or build unity in a workplace. Please, as always, help your story, or others you hear about, find their way to us! The price of gas is too high, it’s the stories that keep us going!

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