Archive for January, 2007

No Human Being is Illegal 

I am convinced that movements go through particular stages and phases of development, whether we are aware of those stages or not.
Take, for example, the current movement for immigrant rights. Last March it burst into the consciousness of English speakers with enormous rallies, marches, and (in May) a one-day general strike. It seemed to errupt […]

The Folks Who Brought You the Weekend 

Of all the slogans Northland has ever popularized, the one which has gone the farthest is “Unions: The Folks Who Brought You the Weekend”. As far as we know, it originated with a local labor council on the West Coast, but we borrowed it and put it (and its sister, “The Labor Movement: The […]

US Troops Out Now! 

The US peace movement has been pretty much stymied about what to propose about the situation in Iraq. It’s hard to avoid a sense of responsibility about the violent chaos we hear about each day. Even when we opposed going in to Iraq in the first place, there’s a sense in which […]

Then You Win! 

Gandhi’s cheerful description of the progress of campaigns and movements appears on several products we sell — mugs, t-shirts, posters, and note cards. If only it were that simple in real life! I would guess the Mahatma said this with a twinkle in his eye.
Anyone who’s done any grassroots organizing knows that campaigns are not […]

Embracing the Struggle (in more ways than one!) 

Among our “vintage” posters is one showing Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela hugging one another. The legend below is, “Love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will embrace.” The picture was taken in 1987.
Well, in view of the revelations about Madikizela-Mandela’s gang of body guards, which victimized her political opponents and innocent neighbors […]