Archive for September, 2008

September 2008 Newsletter 

As these words are written, large numbers of people are arriving our TwinCities to weigh in on the future of the United States. Some will take part in a tightly orchestrated pageant to select the republican Party’s nominees for the White House (I don’t know about you, but the suspense is just killing me). Others […]

August 2008 Newsletter 

This the time of year we hear from teachers a lot. We’ve always backed teachers up by providing both classroom posters and materials addressing education issues and union issues. We’re learning how to make use of the internet and are getting ready to do a major push to reach social studies teachers. We’ll be offering […]

Rosita Goes to Work 

August, 2008
We like to see our play the full range of roles that art should play, from beaming benevolently at you from your wall to engaging in the good fight for a better world. Recently friends in the California labor movement got with us to rush out a bunch of buttons addressing a hot issue. […]

July 2008 Calendar Download 

Here is your monthly news report and free calendar download. For the July calendar just click here or go to and choose “Freebies” from the menu. This month we also start to bring you reports and insights from the field of organizing and social change. The power of images extends beyond beautiful pictures on […]

Marching Orders 

We can often sense changes in the political climate based on the kinds of orders people place. Election years are tricky ’cause a lot of funds that would ordinarily go into organizing end up in political campaigns. In flush years the political spending includes T-shirts and signs and buttons and in leaner years there are […]

Beyond Organizing 

Organizing is a challenging craft. It’s more like gardening than construction. You have to know general rules about soil and sun, water and pests but the results are at best a controlled accident. One of the factors that doesn’t get enough attention is the quality of the soil. We can plant our great organizing seeds […]

June 2008 Newsletter 

Here is our monthly chat and our June calendar page. This is coming to you a little late (the June calendar is coming after June has begun!) because of an issue that would never have come up twenty years ago: our access to the Internet was down for a week. After a week of companies pointing fingers at each […]

May 2008 Newsletter 

As the long election season wears on,the Earth’s physical seasons are going through a change. At least that’s true in the corner of the Earth where our offices are located. And none too soon. It’s been a long, cold winter in northern North America (the first we’ve had in some time). The elections still seem kind of cold. […]

May Calendar Download 

Our free monthly calendar download is ready. The image on this month’s is a new one by Ricardo, designed for the conference of the United Association for Labor education. It illustrates the underlying issues of “free trade” exploitation and worker/human rights. […]

Events Calendar 

One of the ways we stay in touch with activism around the country is by attending union conventions and activist conferences and festivals. We have just added a feature to our web site that lists upcoming events we will be attending (with a selected spread of our products). That way anyone in the neighborhood can stop in […]