Archive for March, 2009

How It Is 

As most of you know, Northland is a small boat that runs the risk of being swamped in the rough waters of the financial tsunami. We’ve been getting by one month at a time (last month we made our do-or-die sales goal by $78!). After coming close to going under we begin to become fatalistic: […]

Union Sympathy Cards 

This is pretty specialized but if there are any union staffers out
there… We’ve just released a line of union sympathy cards (after
repeated requests from union reps). These are condolence cards for
unions to send to bereaved members or their families. They can also
be customized for a particular union or organization
(if done in quantity).

Bumper Stickers in the Sunset! 

One of the things we’ve been doing to try to survive the global
financial collapse is to discontinue product lines that are less
lucrative or that require us to keep too large an inventory on the
shelves. Two of these lines are our bumper stickers. These stickers
have been the vehicle for popularizing some of the most beloved union
slogans […]

Topical Pages 

One way we have been reaching out to new constituencies is by means of “landing pages.” These are web pages that bring together a collection of images, whether they be posters, cards, buttons, signs or whatever. We then publicize the page to a particular audience (people working on environmental justice, say, or immigrants rights) and […]

It’s always About Hope 

Over three decades of producing activist art we have worked with activists engaged in many areas of political and social struggle: farmers, union organizers and rank and filers, immigrant rights activists, LGBT campaigners, high school students, prison inmates and so many more. The issues we have addressed through our art has run the range from […]

Organizing Health Care 

The depression of the 1930s gave rise to mass protest movements. Made up largely of immigrants — and often led by young people — these struggles resulted in the unionization of major (and some minor) industries and gave birth to important strands of the social safety net we have come to rely on. The current […]

Northland News - March 2009 

In line with Northland tradition, it is time to deliver your free monthly calendar page. So many new people have been signing up on this list I should explain that each month we feature a piece of
Northland art on an 11X17 one-month calendar highlighting various dates from the history of social change movements. Clicking on […]